Petrofac awards Al-Gharraf Camp Management contract for their North Rumaila Camp

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Sunday, May 5, 2013

Petrofac Logo

Petrofac has awarded Al-Gharraf a contract for the full camp management of it's new facility in North Rumaila. The contract includes Catering, Housekeeping (Laundry and Cleaning), Maintenance and Waste Management.

Petrofac has built a state-of-the-art facility in North Rumaila, near Basra. The camp was built as a permanent structure using concrete, unlike many temporary or pre-fabricated / sandwich panel camps prevalent in the area. The camp can accommodate up to 175 residents and includes offices, recreation facilities as well as its own STP and ample power generation. The camp has been landscaped to enhance the visual appearance of the site and provide an improved standard of living.

“Al-Gharraf is proud to be associated with Petrofac and is delighted to help showcase this exemplary camp.” Commented Ali Mahmoud, VP Business Development for the company.

“After going through an extensive screening process, we have entrusted Al-Gharraf with the task of Managing our Camp based on their strong local presence, focus on customer service and personal commitment from the owners of the company to deliver.” Petrofac representative commented.

Al Gharraf Oil Services Limited is part of the Numerus Group of Companies